
Human Trafficking is a prevalent issue targeting teens that is frequently ignored and forgotten. Here in Oklahoma, human trafficking is not taught or talked about within our school systems. The lack of conversation about this huge threat is making Oklahoma teens increasingly vulnerable to trafficking. In this chapter, we will discuss how human trafficking is relevant in your own city and why it is important to understand and be aware of.

Oklahoma has an extremely high poverty rate, and as discussed in Chapter 1, people living in poverty are more vulnerable to human trafficking, meaning a large portion of Oklahomans are already at risk of being trafficked. The state is also known for some of its major events and attractions. Tulsa’s newly constructed Gathering Place is ranked #12 in the world for public playground attractions. We are also home to the nationally recognized BOK Event Center which brings in many major events and performances. Additionally, one of the largest highway systems in America, Route 66, dwells in Oklahoma. These mass highways lead to an abundance of travel through our state. Trafficking that occurs in surrounding states (Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Missouri, etc) often finds its way to Oklahoma through these highways. For example, in January 2023, a fifteen year old girl was kidnapped from a Dallas Mavericks basketball game Just a few days later, she was trafficked and  forced into prostitution in Oklahoma City. This is just one example of why it’s so important for Oklahomans gffto stay vigilant about the dangers of human trafficking, especially because of all the trafficking hotspots within Oklahoma.

While human trafficking is relevant to Oklahoma due to its location, it is also extremely important for teens and women specifically to be aware of. Minors account for half of the trafficking victims, and girls/women make up ⅔ of the victims. With the rise of social media in today’s society, the risk of being trafficked has increased by 90%. 40% of all human trafficking victims are trafficked from social media and online platforms, and 43% of social media users in Oklahoma are under the age of 18. Social media has created a way for traffickers to access victims that live thousands of miles away. From their phone alone, traffickers can communicate with and manipulate teenagers across the globe, while viewing what the teen shares online, like their appearance and location. Because of how interconnected the internet has become, anyone of any sex, race, ethnicity, background or socioeconomic status is at risk of being trafficked simply due to their presence online. No demographic is safe from the danger of  human trafficking; however, young women are the most trafficked online. In 2020, the Human Trafficking Hotline found 125% more people were trafficked through Facebook than in person and 95% more people through Instagram. In many cases, the trafficker contacts a victim through Facebook and Instagram Direct Messaging capacities, as well as through commenting and interacting with their posts. A user with a public account can be messaged by any other user, which allows traffickers to reach victims with ease and sometimes without a trace. However, a user with a private account can only be contacted by their own followers, which they must approve, which is why we stress the importance of having a private account. It is so important to only accept users that you know! It is very important to be wary of people messaging you, and who you are talking to on social media. 

Human trafficking is incredibly relevant in all teenagers' lives, and especially for Oklahomans. We hope this chapter helped you to realize that human trafficking has the potential to affect you or your loved ones, which is why educating yourself on the topic is important.