Start Learning. Stop Trafficking.

Our Purpose:

To establish a curriculum that will aid in the recognition and prevention of human trafficking with accurate, reliable information.

Who we are:

We are Cohort 14 of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative, an organization funded by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies in Tulsa, Oklahoma. YPI is a three year long program that allows high school students to make a difference in their community and become philanthropic leaders.

After spending half of our first year together brainstorming how we could change the lives of American teens, we decided to focus our project on Human Trafficking- specifically towards creating awareness that enables prevention.

During our research, we found that teenagers in America were under-informed about the effects of Human Trafficking on their lives and how prevalent it is in our society. Through this realization, our project TraffickQ emerged. TraffickQ is a series of videos aimed to educate and spread awareness about Human Trafficking among teens. In our curriculum, you will go through seven video lessons that enable you to be more aware of this under-informed issue and to help protect yourself and others.

We are thankful to you for taking the time to educate yourself about this topic and its severity.

We Are TraffickQ

Learn more about the creators of TraffickQ and our three year journey to contribute to the fight against human trafficking.

Our PR Packet:


  • Our project has a unique teen perspective that we hope will resonate with our audience.

  • The TraffickQ curriculum aims to give a relevant and knowledgeable understanding of human trafficking. When implementing our curriculum in schools, we will work with each school administration to adapt the curriculum in a way that both abides by school rules and gives students the knowledge on human trafficking they need.

  • Through our research, we have discovered that there are a lot of knowledge gaps and misconceptions about human trafficking. Teenagers are most vulnerable to human trafficking, while also being greatly uninformed on the severity of the issue.

  • As we continue to grow our curriculum we are working to expand our partnerships with more organizations. Contact Us to begin a partnership to implement our curriculum in your organization or visit our website to start learning!

Follow our journey on Instagram: @traffickq