
In the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 “equipped the U.S. Government with new tools and resources to mount a comprehensive and coordinated campaign to eliminate modern forms of slavery domestically and internationally.” (See DOJ). Mainly, this protects victims of human trafficking by expanding HT relief to all victims regardless of immigration status. It also strengthened HT prevention, and further criminalized the activities of traffickers. To learn more about the TVPA and history of HT legislation in the US, visit the US Department of Justice website. 

Even with the TVPA, there is still work to be done. 

The Trafficking Survivors Relief Act is a bill introduced in 2022 that protects survivors from criminalization on account of having been a victim of trafficking. The Polaris Project has many resources for action supporting survivors, including petitions. Currently, The Polaris Project provides resources to contact representatives and advocate for the reintroduction of the bill. Legislative actions like the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act and so many others help victims and survivors of human trafficking, and are another step in the fight to end trafficking. 

A resource for you to personally add to your reservoir of knowledge is this curriculum. Know the warning signs of possible trafficking so you and those you know can remain safe and secure in your community. Additionally, always remember to have empathy and don't judge. All victims of human trafficking, regardless of their situation, deserve support and love. 

To keep you and the people around you safe, it’s important to know the resources that are available to you. There are many resources accessible for every step, from trafficking prevention, intervention, and rehabilition.  If you or someone you know is being trafficked - or suspected of being trafficked - seek help immediately. The National Human Trafficking Hotline is an American anti-trafficking organization partnered with Polaris Project and the ​​U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  They offer both domestic and international hotlines that are available 24/7 for you to voice any urgent concern you may have about yourself or someone you know being trafficked. 

The fight against human trafficking does not end with prevention. Supporting survivors of human trafficking and anti-trafficking organizations helps to liberate victims of trafficking and exploitation. There are many non-profit organizations that accept donations to further the impact of their resources for victims, such as The Polaris Project, Love 146, and The Dragonfly Home. Donating to these organizations helps ensure that victims of human trafficking have the necessary resources to successfully exit and navigate the situation. 

All of these organizations are there to support victims of trafficking and to spread awareness. While there are some laws in place to support victims and prevent trafficking, there are still great strides to be made at a government level, so it’s important to use your vote to help victims as well. 

Some important things to take away from this chapter are that these organizations are there to help or your loved ones and are rooted in the mission of stopping Human Trafficking and supporting those who have been a survivor of Human Trafficking. Here are 3 key things to take away from this chapter. Your traffick cues!

Number one: Remember that you can always call the Nation Human Trafficking Hotline at any time if you do not know how to get help. 1 (888) 373-7888

Number two: Continue to fight for better legislation so that we protect ourselves and those around us.

Number three: Make others aware of these resources to protect yourself and others